Foremost, I am an Entertainer.I started out doing magic when I was a young boy.After a few years I became a Computer Engineer.I loved puzzles and figuring out out how things worked and how computer software created apparent artificial intelligence.That curiosity eventually lead me to Hypnosis.
I was intrigued at how the power of the mind could be harnessed using hypnosis to help with things such as addiction and phobias.I was even more intrigued when I stumbled on the entertainment side of Hypnosis.My love for magic was reignited but this time it was the magic of the mind.
I set out on a journey spanning several years while learning from some of Las Vegas’ greatest stage hypnotists.After performing many shows I left the tech world to entertain full-time. I pledge to create an unforgettable, entertaining experience with each show no matter how small or large.